Sandbox testing

Before you try real transactions, make some test transactions using sandbox mode. You can use dummy bank account data instead of using actual bank details.

  • For ACH, use the bank code 026073150 and the account number 2715500356 and the account type checking
  • For Autogiro, use the clearingnummer (branch code) 5491, the kontonummer (account number) 0000003 and the personnummer (Swedish identity number) 198112289874
  • For Bacs, use the sort code 200000 and the account number 55779911
  • For BECS, use the BSB 082-082 and the account number 012345678
  • For BECS NZ, use the bank code 12 and the branch code 3113 and the account number 0003869-00
  • For Betalingsservice, use the registreringsnummer (bank code) 345, the kontonummer (account number) 3179681 and the CPR-nummer (Danish identity number) 0101701234
  • For PAD, use the bank code (Financial Institution number) 0003 and the branch code (Branch Transit number) 00006 and the account number 0000000
  • For SEPA, use the French IBAN FR1420041010050500013M02606