You’ll need these connection settings when you wish to connect to or disconnect from GoCardless, either in the sandbox mode or the live mode. While your site is connected, WPdirectdebit can set up mandates, payments and subscriptions on behalf of you and your customers.
The connection settings are accessed from the WordPress dashboard settings menu. Look for WPdirectdebit and select it.

GoCardless Credentials Tab
Shown here are the settings in sandbox mode (highlighted by the sand-coloured background). If you have selected live mode, see the section ‘Going live‘ as the initial settings are different.

Connecting to GoCardless
You can read the step-by-step instructions below or, if you prefer, just watch this video to show you how to connect your site to GoCardless. When in sandbox mode, you can connect your site to any GoCardless sandbox account that you have access to. In live mode, you must be logged in to your account on that shares the same email address as the GoCardless account you wish to connect. This account will be the one that was created for you when you subscribed.
While WPdirectdebit is in sandbox mode,it will automatically connect to your GoCardless sandbox account; likewise if you have live mode selected then it will connect your site to your live GoCardless account.
Important: In live mode, you must be logged in to your account on that shares the same email address as the GoCardless account you wish to connect. The account on will the the one that was created for you when you subscribed.
Clicking the Connect button will take you over to GoCardless, where you will be prompted to log in to the GoCardless account that you wish to connect to your site. The email address is pre-populated but if the account is associated with a different email address, you can change it here.
(Maybe you haven’t gotten round to setting up a sandbox account yet on GoCardless? No problem. Click Sign Up and do it now.)
Click the Connect account button and after a short while you will be redirected to a confirmation page on
If you see the URL of your site displayed, click Yes – Connect to confirm you want to connect the displayed site to your GoCardless account.
This will take you back to where you started – the global settings page on your own website, now with the Connection response tab selected.
Creating a webhook
GoCardless communicates with your site via webhooks; that’s how your site knows to take action when a mandate becomes active or a subscription is cancelled, etc.
If you just connected to GoCardless, you’ll be on the Connection response tab. Click back to the GoCardless Credentials tab. Notice the Connect button has now changed to a Disconnect button.
The field labelled Webhook Secret will be showing ‘ — Not set –‘ at first. You’ll need the Name and the URL shown next to Webhook settings in just a moment.
Click the Create Webhook button. A new window opens at GoCardless. (You may have to log in first – log in to the same account that you used to connect your site earlier).
Enter the Name and the URL previously shown on your settings page. Leave the Secret blank and the Webhook client certificate unchecked.
Click the Create webhook endpoint button to save your new webhook endpoint. You’ll now see it listed in your GoCardless dashboard.
Click on it to reveal the Secret that has been chosen for you.
Copy the Secret, then return to your settings page and paste the Secret into the Webhook secret field on your settings page, and click Save webhook secret.
Payouts and Customers tabs
For a list of customers or payouts, click on either the Customers tab or the Payouts tab. For further information on any customer or payout, click the ID in the first column; this links straight through to the corresponding record in your GoCardless dashboard.
You can scroll through the payouts or customers using the Earlier and Later buttons.
If you see a small flag in the tab, this means there are new customers or payouts since you last viewed them.
Initially, of course, the list will be empty.